This is Dookie.

This is what we know about her:

Our surrender form for Dookie literally reads: “We acquired her about 3 years ago. She had plucked her whole body. She was found in a Meth lab and dropped off to us. The guy had her in a box, said he thought she was about 10 and took off.”

As such, we know very little about Dookie. The people who had her were a reptile rescue, who kept her for four years at said rescue but said it wasn’t a great place for her. Pretty much all the info we have in our chart for Dookie is conflicting.

What we do know is Dookie prefers guys. When pushed, she will step up for me and let me handle her, but she’s not super excited about it. When she tries to intimidate me, she sort of stretches out her wings and does this fun “Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs” strut that makes me laugh.

She’s a chronic plucker, but other than that, doc gave her a clean bill of health. Her feathers are plucked enough that they probably will not come back due to the damage to her feather shafts. We may see some regrowth, but it’s doubtful that it’ll come back in full

Age: 14? Although we’re not sure how credible that info is.

Sex: Female, they said she laid an egg.

Prefers: Clearly prefers men.

Other Bird Aggressive? Unsure

Cage Aggressive? No. He’s more nervous.

Adoption Fee: $1000

Cage Available: Macaw cages begin at $250, and are not always available. Your interviewer will discuss availability with you if we have any.

Must be a male caretaker.

***Information that is universal to every bird:

1) Birds are typically not family animals. They usually choose a favorite and at best you can expect them to tolerate everyone else.

2) Birds are not great with kids, dogs, other birds, and are not cuddly with everyone, nor can they really be trained to be. Birds are flock animals, who are social creatures that need to be in a communal area where they can see the rest of the family, or you may eperience serious vocalization and behavior problems. We’ve never met a bird who is great with kids, but we have met kids who are respectful of birds.

3) Birds bite. But, you shouldn’t “take the bite”. If you’re getting bit, you haven’t earned the trust of the bird, and are pushing the bird past his/her limits. You must figure out what the bird needs, and make what you’re asking of the bird more attractive than what they are already doing.

4) Birds are not “dominance” based creatures. Your only option for birds is to earn their trust. If they are, say…on top of a cage and don’t want to come down, that is where they feel safest, not a dominance thing. They are not trying to exert dominance, they just don’t want to come down. Your job as a parrot owner is to figure out what you can do to help them trust you, and whatever you are asking to be more attractive than what they are already doing.

5) NEVER send money over the internet for adoption with any individual or organization for the adoption of an animal you have not met in person. That is almost always a scam.

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