Snarky, Hilarious, Giant Hearted
Tough As Nails.
We are a 501(c)3 Non-Profit parrot rescue located in Battle Creek, Michigan.
Our mission is to save as many companion parrots as humanly possible from ending up being bounced from place to place, and ultimately being shoved in a cage with no proper interaction, nutrition, enrichment and ultimately going crazy from neglect.
We aim to put birds into well educated, qualified homes with people who understand them and love them for the long haul. We educate in a way people can hear us with humor, and fun, and we have fun doing it.
We’re not the prim and proper, mind our business, sweet and lovable rescue team you might be used to. This is real life, and we are real people, and we have dedicated our lives to rescuing and providing care for real animals. We’re blunt, and silly, and fun, and exactly what you’d expect of people who keep parrots.
We are rather well known for our honesty. We say things plainly, and how they are.
If you’re with us, you’re going to have a riot.
You’re going to learn, you’re going to love, you’re going to be prepared to give the very best care in the world to a companion parrot you adopt from us (or even elsewhere, we have followers all over the world who tune in week after week to hang out with us for our Monday Night Live show to get help with their birds.)
If you’re against us, well... good luck with that. :) We have a strong #BirdsBeforeBitches policy.
They call our founder The Birdbitch. She wears it like a mantle of love.
If you’re easily offended, allergic to the f-bomb, or somehow think you’re better or classier than us, go clutch your pearls elsewhere. We are too busy for that.
Otherwise, lets get down to the messy business of rescuing parrots together. There’s a lot of work to do, and not enough hands, time, space or money to do it.
We’re exactly who you want in your corner if you need help. Just check out our reviews on Facebook or Google to see what others think of who we are and how we do it.
We’re not your mama’s rescue, and you wouldn’t be here supporting us if we were.
Do you follow us on Facebook? If not, you’re missing out. GO HERE.